The privacy-free zone is a theoretical framework used for conceptualizing the overlap between the public and private domains. After nearly 10 years of this progressive project, it redefines itself while it analysing the context. The following text defines the position of this project. The new slogan we are introducing is ‘the privacy-free zone: too big to be private.’ It is an appropriation of the statement “too big to fail” that was used in public discourse following the Great Recession (2007/8) to describe the complex relationship of big banks intertwined in the global economy. Due to their position, their failure would be catastrophic, as can happen with the influence of the private upon the public. 

The privacy-free zone is established when the property, in its progression, goes over into the public domain to an extent where it becomes impossible to hold the information. Privacy is determined by the control we exude over “our” property whether it is physical, emotional, or conceptual. The mechanism of possessions aggregates to form the egoistic dimension within each individual without sharing with the public. This translates into a lack of transparency. When this occurs, there is a loss of common identity because the individual and his possessions contaminate what is determined as the common, res publica. 

The privatization of the public space determines its identity. This allows for a confrontation between the different social entities and identities. The rarefication of relations (ie. segmentation, segregation) allows for the emergence of an opportunist individual that recognizes the moment as a chance for power or monopolization. This regime formation excludes the public when its motivation is for power. This limits their willingness to share. This restrains the integration and the flourishment of a common identity.  

Just as privacy hides our possessions, it can be revealed in the public. The privacy-free zone hides and reveals the overlap depending upon the context. These domains are two sides of the same zone. Privacy is an abstract concept that does not exist, and should not be, in the piazza (city square) or even there in FB, where the public meets. These are social dimensions, regardless of whether they function in the physical or technological realm. Privacy is an idea of intimacy born from the need to sleep alone within the walls of a room. Privacy is absolute and ephemeral confidentiality like a secret that is not even revealed to the best friend. From the moment you share something, whatever it is, privacy ceases to exist. 

Why do we insist on privacy when it is too big to behold?  



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