Re-Action (CJA, 2020)

Covid Joggers Act (2020*)

The Covid Joggers Act (CJA) is a collective that is defined as being a progressive appropriation of the form of a red dot. It is an extension of a larger project that began in 2011 (Good Morning, Lugano) which explores the relationship between regulations and formal representations. It emerged spontaneously as a reaction to the coronavirus pandemic. A symbolic correlation has been conceptually established with maps. They are tools to visualize and document the frequency, diffusion, and connection of dots among cities. The visual representations of the contagion of the virus create an unprecedented dialogue. The red dots are the synthesis of a larger archetype for the pure form of a red dot. During this pandemic, the archetype has distinguished this as fundamentally a symbol for the coronavirus. as all visualizations of virus spread. The CJA red dots symbolize a tribute to the associations that occur in these urban areas, directly and indirectly, no matter what micro and macro circumstances are ensuing.


Process of Individuation: becoming what you are

CJA pursues an unconscious process of action towards the unintelligible. What can be brought out in the conscious state can be fostered by bringing together unexplored associations. This process can be better understood by contributing to the dialogue between the parties, in this case between space, society, and artists. The points are therefore to be considered transversal and universal connections.

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life (Steve Jobs).


As Luigi Zoja explains, what we will develop into we don’t know at the present. Only afterward, when things are done will we understand through increased awareness. As Steve Jobs tells us, we could, looking back, connect the dots. We can do this using abstruse reasoning to understand things appear to us as ‘messy dots.’ Trivial rationalization is the mechanism that allows us to understand and create these connections and clarity. In psychoanalysis, this is referred to as the process of individuation which is only understood looking back.

The concept of individuation has a far from negligible part in our psychology. Identification is in general the process of formation and characterization of individuals and in particular the development of the psychological individual as being distinct from the generality, from collective psychology. Identification is therefore a process of differentiation that has as its goal the development of the individual’s personality (Jung).

The mystery of the red dots: the mystery of individuation

It is a great mystery, a limiting concept: we do not know what it is. We define it as the uniqueness of a given composition or combination and beyond this, we can say nothing.

No one can grasp the identification in a rational way, only images can express it (Adolf Guggenbuhl Craig).

For the systematic documentation see Actions